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  • +255 767 565 039
  • nuhu@nsconsulting.co.tz
  • Mon - Sat: 9am to 6pm

NS Consulting Overview

From Humble beginings
to be the leading agribusiness consulting firm in Tanzania.

NSaleh consulting (T) limited is the company registered under the companies Act 2002 in the United Republic of Tanzania. NSaleh Consulting (NS) is based in Morogoro Urban and its branch is located in Zanzibar Urban west. NSaleh Consulting empowers small and medium-size enterprises in Tanzania to grow and to create impact. We do this by designing and develop training curriculums and delivering advisory services like Agricultural value chain consultancy and business development (Agribusiness).

Behind Our Company

Expert & Experinced Team
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CEO & Founder

Nuhu Saleh

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Lead Consultant

Kevin Simon

Our Founder and Director

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CEO & Founder

Nuhu Saleh

He has completed Master’s degree – MBA-Agribusiness in 2010 and Bsc Agriculture general in 2005 from Sokoine University of Agriculture - Morogoro. Has worked as Regional Project Manager for USAID Lishe Endelevu Activity (Sustainable Nutrition) with Save the Children International, has worked as a Workforce Readiness Specialist as a lead person of Livelihood program for Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth with SNV- Netherlands Organizations and helping to create jobs of more than 33000 youth SMEs in agribusiness value chains. Capacity building foundation was started while working with Techno Serve as a Training Specialist in different projects and Heifer International as a Skills Development Manager.

An innovative BDS Advisor, capacity building and training specialist with expertise in market linkages development, value chain facilitation, skills development, capacity building and business advisory services. Career spans over 10 years managing capacity building programs to create employment and business improvement to youth led enterprises, farmers and business groups. A highly skilled business and development professional, with unique and extensive work experience in SAGCOT regions especially Iringa, Mbeya, Njombe and Zanzibar and Morogoro who has helped private, public and nongovernmental organizations achieve their goals

Some of the Consultations & Assignments

1. Developed and delivered GAP training in Maize to Kilolo Malimbichi Amcos ,Kilolo- Iringa, This Maize GAP training was focused on Land preparation, soil conservation, seed selection, planting, nutrition and fertilizer application, weeding and top dressing, safe use of fertilizer, safe use of pesticides, compost making and farm record keeping >>> Dec 2016

2. Developed and delivered training on Entrepreneurship and access to markets skills to Kinole SACCOS Clients of Swiss contact Tanzania – Morogoro.Tanzania through micro leasing project. This training covered Entrepreneurship development, basic business management, financial management, record keeping and marketing (Customer information: Swiss Contact Tanzania| Swiss foundation for technical cooperation| P.O.Box 105735| Msasani| Dar-es-salaam| Tanzania| Mbezi beach| | plot 244 opp BOT flats) >>> October, 2016

3. Developed and delivered training on Entrepreneurship and access to markets skills to same kaya SACCOS- Clients of Swiss Contact Tanzania. Same Kilimanjaro Tanzania through micro leasing project. This training covered Entrepreneurship development, basic business management, financial management, record keeping and marketing (Customer information: Swiss Contact Tanzania| Swiss foundation for technical cooperation| P.O.Box 105735| Msasani| Dar-es-salaam| Tanzania| Mbezi beach| | plot 244 opp BOT flats) >>> September, 2016

4. Developed and delivered training on Entrepreneurship development, Financial Management, Record keeping and Collective Marketing to Catholic Relief Service (CRS) Staff at Songea through Soya ni pesa project. (Customer information: Catholic relief Services Tanzania| P.O.Box 34701| Plot 144 Migombani street| Regent estate| Mikocheni| Dar-es-salaam) >>> Feb, 2015

5. Developed curriculums on Agronomy (Farm record keeping, Land preparation and seed selection, top dressing, post- harvest handling techniques, harvesting. Weeding ) and warehouse Management (Warehouse management, Quality Control, Record keeping, Post -harvest handling techniques, Marketing and Access to finance) for TechnoServe Place: Mbeya Date: Jan 2015

6. Delivered training on Advising Business more competently and collaboratively (ABC2) training, organized by Technoserve Place: Morogoro Date: December 2013

7. Delivered training on Keys to Financial success organized by Technoserve Place: Dar-es salaam and Dodoma Date: May 2013.
8. Developed curriculum and Delivered TOT on Business package (Basic Business Management, Financial Management, Record keeping, Marketing, Access to Finance) and Technical package (Post-harvest handling Techniques, Good manufacturing practice, Occupational health and safety) Place: Morogoro Date: Sept 2012

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